Recovery Connect App

Connect with your counselor on our free Recovery Connect app!

Community Medical Services developed this revolutionary app to make it easier for patients to connect with counselors and get real, meaningful support in the moments that matter.

How it works

Not all features available at all clinics.

You will only know if you give it a go

CMS is excited to support your journey to healing through this powerful tool.
Here are the top 3 things that CMS clients who have used the app say helped them the most:

1. Link with your counselor

Ask your counselor for their Link Code or QR Code and connect with them.

2. Track thoughts, triggers and feelings

Whether feeling motivated, unmotivated, good, bad, or anything in between, checking in on the app helps you overcome a difficult moment and keep moving toward your goals.

3. Stay on the right path

Keep accountable to your goals by uploading your own reasons to recover (and photos), connecting with someone who believes in you and checking in yourself.

The Recovery Connect App is…

Real Stories, Real Results:

Great tool in my recovery! I can talk with my counselor – I can do check-ins. I am able to add pictures for my background to personalize it! It tracks how long you have been at the current clinic, where you are with your take home goals and what’s next! There are tons of things to fill out, like triggers, reasons you recover, etc. There’s so much that’s great!


As someone that is in recovery I would have loved to have this as a client, and being able to see our clients benefit from this amazing app is so exciting. I wanted to cry as we learned all the amazing features available through the app as a client and as a counselor. Whoever thought of this please know how thankful I am and I know the clients that I work with will love this so much!


Take CMS with you!

Or search for Recovery Connect in the Google Play store on your Android phone or App Store on your iPhone.

Scan QR Code to Download

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